maandag 23 augustus 2010

Wonderful weekend

We went to "Sail Amsterdam" and as you can see it started just fine....

Lots of happy people on the water and how smaller the ship how better the fun,we saw some yachts with Botoxladies but they didn't look as happy as this beautiful woman........

It was amazing,the weather,The boats,the Atmosfere real Magic.....

Our worldfamous in Holland "Jeroen van der Boom".....

Our son Nick is always watching"Discovery Channel"
and loves the fishermen which risk their Lives to catch Crab.
So I was very surprised our Fishshop had it For Sale,and Nick deserved to be spoiled a bit.
Beaudor had to check it out,what is that????

He found it a bit scary by the way it was delicious.......
We had a wonderful weekend and thanks for all the hardwarming words for my Dad
He is doing a bit better now.....

15 opmerkingen:

  1. Liebe "M" und "B",

    How fantastic....these photos remind me of the happy times I had in the Netherlands.....

    I am glad Dein Vater ist viel besser.....

    Der Krebs sieht sehr schon..... yummy! And I love Beaudor's expression...."Hmmmm...was ist das? Smeckt das?"

    And, you spent the day with unsere Marianne..... so wunderschoen!!!!!

    Liebe Grüße zum Alles!

    ♥ Robin ♥

    p.s. Kuss der Beaudor fur Mich!

  2. I love crab!!!

    Did M tell you that I was embarrassed to learn Nick was your son after I made those remarks??

    Now that I have seen photos of myself I'm extra embarrassed :(

    These photos of the boats are wonderful! Looks like you always have such a nice life :)

    hugs and kisses to B♥♥♥!

  3. @Robin,
    Thanks for your sweet words,and yes it was wondrrful to see my dearM.and her bunch.

    Haha well Lolo you've got taste,this morning Nick went on sollicitation in his brown suit and white shirt wow he's gorgeous but more important on the inside he's Gold.

    And stop...I was thrilled to see your pics,what a beautiful eyes ,and your house it's so warm can you come over and help me in france?
    And yes I count my blessings everyday......

  4. ha lieverd

    even een klein berichtje uit Singapore.
    Ik ben net aangekomen enjee ik was even helemaal in de war met de tijd.... heb ik niet vaak maar al die tijdzones in zoń korte tijd....

    Het was fijn je weer te zien zondag!
    Tot de 6e of 7e

    Mooie plaatjes van Sail, jullie boften maar met het weer. 5 jaar geleden hadden wij ook zulk weer en dat maakt alles toch net iets leuker!
    Mmmm lekker die krab!

    Kus aan Beautje!!!

    Veel liefs!!!
    Even Donderdag op mijn blog kijken ;)

  5. sh.......kreeg net een schema wijziging..... Morgen naar Denpassar, waarschijnlijk later naar huis....

    Ik laat het je nog weten


  6. Yep, we Ridgebacks are the perfect height to send the nose investigating the table tops!

  7. Hieperdepiep hoeraaaaaaaaaa!!!!
    Gefeliciteerd Marja met je 50e verjaardag!!!
    Geniet van je dag vandaag samen met je familie en Beautje. Je hebt vast en zeker al een hele vette lebber van hem gekregen. Op naar de volgende 50 :-)

    Liefs Sabrina & Vishal
    Lebber Stitch & Pumba

  8. Hello! Just popping over from Mariannes blog to wish you a Happy Birthday!!! Love your sailing adventure in Amsterdam...I got to fly over on my way to Germany a few times! Can't wait to visit one day! Maybe Marianne could fly over here to Florida and get me and bring me back over there for a look around, eh??? LOL. Your dogs are really beautiful. What is this breed? Gorgeous!

  9. Liebe Marja,

    FROELICHE GEBURTSTAG! Ich hoffe dein "Tag" ist so schoen wie Du!

    Liebe Grüße zum Alles! (Und...a Kuss fur Beaudor!)

    ♥ Robin ♥

    ♥ Robin ♥

  10. wahooo it's your birthday, happy happy 50th, so young still, have a great great time. baie baie leifde en soentjies. en ek hoop jou pappa sal gou beter wees.

  11. Marianne tells us it is your 50th birthday. Happy Day! I know you will enjoy the weekend since your son is graduating. Congrats to both of you.

  12. Dear make 50 look SO good!!!

    have a super day in France or wherever you are.

    You are a special lady!

    Give that handsome boy a kiss...yes, the doggie!! Mr. B ;)


  13. Happy Birthday Marja......Hope you had a great day with all of your friends and family and of course the gorgeous Beaudor.

  14. Mooie foto's weer, gaaf om tussen de boten te varen.
    Ik had het geluk om er een aantal vol in de zeilen te zien aankomen. Prachtig. Die Woensdag avond dus maar lekker bij een paviljoen gegeten.
    Wel eerst braaf met Joep naar de pier gelopen en daarna lekker lui met John mee met de auto terug!

    Joep is jaloers, die mag van ons niet zo dicht bij de tafel komen als we eten!!

    XX Ag


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