woensdag 5 januari 2011

Part 3

My Bone was jummyyyyyyy it was my reward for watching the presents under the tree......

Sousja was so nervous for the presents......

First Granddad was metamorfosed to Santa,talking about abuse....

Look what Marja got a bottle of Red called after Me,something for you to Lolo ;))

and a book about the KLMhouses think I can guess from who that is(Santas sister)

Nick is allowed near to the presents but keep an eye on him...

A bear again ((;

Still doesn't understand why granddad wears that hat...

Got the bell from ??? looks good on Me don't you think ;))

Now i had enough of the presents,can we eat?

Or play with my buddy Nick

Some yoga,my demo of the down dog while the rest is relaxing

Lunch is coming....

No spongebob ice for Me?

Granddad is sitting in my sun

Rather have those mmmm feuilletees or some champagne instead of a christmascracker......

On Newyearseve We had our neighbours over for (yeah again)some champagne.
In the meanwhile Granddad,Nick and Sousja were safily back in Holland.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. I want to go there. I love that place!! One day. Then Mar can pour some white wine for me and you can wear that jungle bell ;)

    I'm so glad you all had a merry christmas. And really, why did Granddad wear that santa hat? He didn't fool us, eh B??

    Big hugs and kisses!

  2. hahaha, JUNGLE bell!!!
    I mean JINGLE bell :P

  3. Beaudor...really, no one writes better posts than YOU! I loved this one.... it was so much fun seeing the family's Christmas gathering, opening the presents, drinking the champagne, basking in the sun! Gorgeous! And.... so nice to see some photos of your beautiful "Mum", Marja! Loved "Tante Lolo's" comment about the "jungle bell" - ha-ha!!!! (Although your expression in that photo speaks volumns!!!)

    A big wet one to you, mon Cher Ridgie!

    Hugs and love to all,

    ♥ Robin ♥

  4. Wonderful pictures Marja!
    Het ziet er toch allemaal geweldig uit!
    Ja daar wil je toch nooit meer weg.......

    En die Beau wat is het toch een poepescheet he!
    Hoop dat ik hem snel weer eens zie.

    liefs Marianne

  5. Het is dat we hier ook geweldige gezellige dagen hadden maar potverdorie wat hebben jullie het heerlijk daar! En dan toch nog lekker buiten lunchen!
    En lekker veel plek voor B om te rennen en te spelen!
    Jammer dat z'n date met de franse schone niet doorging! Maar die komt nog wel! Dikke X en een H5 van Joep van B ( Joep zegt; was laatst op pad met je zusjes, moeder en vriend Bhanu. Nou die moeder van jou is toch ook nog steeds een lekker ding hoor! Volgens Juf Martine vond ze mij ook wel leuk, werd er bijna verlegen van.. ((-; )


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